Tax Services
We provide tax planning & tax return preparation services to individuals, self employed persons, & businesses. We work with our clients to maximize tax saving while minimizing tax liabilities. Read More…
We provide tax planning & tax return preparation services to individuals, self employed persons, & businesses. We work with our clients to maximize tax saving while minimizing tax liabilities. Read More…
We offer Payroll Services so it is one less thing you have to worry about. We will automatically let you know when payroll tax deposits are due. This way you avoid penalties. Read More…
We give you easy to understand reconciliation services. Each month we reconcile your bank statement with your check stubs to create a logical and easy to understand financial statement. Read More…
Individuals and families have different needs than corporations. We work with individuals and families to minimize tax liabilities and maximize returns. We are knowledgeable in all facets of tax law and can put our expertise to work for you. Learn more about how we can help you maximize your refund and minimize your tax preparation fees. Read More…
Personal wealth building should start young. Boca Raton Accountant Barry Bandler helps you discover the best tips to quickly grow your money to be on your way to financial security. Read More…
Calculating Sales Tax – Sales tax and discretionary sales surtax are calculated on each taxable transaction. Florida uses a “bracket system” for calculating sales tax when the transaction falls between two whole dollar amounts. Multiply the whole dollar amount by the tax rate (6 percent plus the county surtax rate) and use the bracket system to figure the tax on the amount less than a dollar. Read More…
Some clauses of ObamaCare – the Affordable Care Act Tax Provisions for Individuals and Families are under implementation. Take a look at a few simple aspects of the Act to understand it more clearly. Read More…